Results for 'Christine Hoff Kraemer'

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  1.  8
    Eros and touch from a pagan perspective: divided for love's sake.Christine Hoff Kraemer - 2013 - New York, New York: Routledge.
    Within the past twenty years, contemporary Pagan leaders, progressive Christian and Goddess theologians, advocates for queer and BDSM communities, and therapeutic bodyworkers have all begun to speak forcefully about the sacredness of the body and of touch. Many assert that the erotic is a divinely transformative force, both for personal development and for social change. Although "the erotic" includes sexuality, it is not limited to it; access to connected nonsexual touch is as profound a need as that for sexual freedom (...)
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    Kilka refleksji moralnych o eksperymentowaniu na zwierzętach.Christine Hoff - 1980 - Etyka 18:63-76.
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  3. The constitution of agency: essays on practical reason and moral psychology.Christine M. Korsgaard - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Christine M. Korsgaard is one of today's leading moral philosophers: this volume collects ten influential papers by her on practical reason and moral psychology ...
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    Who Stole Feminism?: How Women Have Betrayed Women.Christina Hoff Sommers - 1994 - Simon & Schuster.
    Reviewers of this book have praised Christina Hoff Sommer's well-reasoned argument against many feminists' reliance on misleading, politically motivated 'facts' about how women are victimised.
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  5. From Duty and for the Sake of the Noble: Kant and Aristotle on Morally Good Action.Christine M. Korsgaard - 1996 - In Stephen Engstrom & Jennifer Whiting (eds.), Aristotle, Kant, and the Stoics: Rethinking Happiness and Duty. Cambridge University Press.
    Aristotle believes that an agent lacks virtue unless she enjoys the performance of virtuous actions, while Kant claims that the person who does her duty despite contrary inclinations exhibits a moral worth that the person who acts from inclination lacks. Despite these differences, this chapter argues that Aristotle and Kant share a distinctive view of the object of human choice and locus of moral value: that what we choose, and what has moral value, are not mere acts, but actions: acts (...)
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  6. Fellow creatures: Kantian ethics and our duties to animals.Christine M. Korsgaard - unknown
    Christine M. Korsgaard is Arthur Kingsley Porter Professor of Philosophy at Harvard University. She was educated at the University of Illinois and received a Ph.D. from Harvard. She has held positions at Yale, the University of California at Santa Barbara, and the University of Chicago, and visiting positions at Berkeley and UCLA. She is a member of the American Philosophical Association and a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. She has published extensively on Kant, and about (...)
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    Inheriting Identity and Practicing Transformation: The Time of Feminist Politics.Shannon Hoff - 2012 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 2 (2):167-193.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Inheriting Identity and Practicing TransformationThe Time of Feminist PoliticsShannon HoffA human life unfolds over time. No moment of it can be considered apart from the others, independently of the fact that the human being was and will be, and so no moment is sufficient on its own to tell us of the nature of that identity. Each moment is insufficient as an expression of who we are, as an (...)
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    Instilling Ethical Values in Large Corporations.Jw Hoff, Re Frederick, Wm Hoffman, Jb Kamm & P. Rubican - 1992 - Journal of Business Ethics 11 (11):863-867.
    This survey report is a follow-up to the survey done by the Center for Business Ethics in 1984/85 which was published in the Journal for Business Ethics under the title of 'Are Corporations Institutionalizing Ethics?' (Volume 5, 1986, pp. 85-91). This 1989/90 survey was again sent to Fortune 1000 industrial and service companies to find out what they have done to build ethical values into their organizations. It reveals some interesting comparisons with the 1984/85 survey with regard to expanding efforts, (...)
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    Translating Principle into Practice: On Derrida and the Terms of Feminism.Shannon Hoff - 2015 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 29 (3):403-414.
    ABSTRACT One of Derrida's most significant insights concerns the irreducibility yet interdependence of unconditioned ideal and conditioned actuality. First, relying especially on the concept of hospitality, I argue that this insight allows for the development of a powerful account of ethical and political action. Second, I show the usefulness of this account for feminist critical practice, especially with regard to the ideal of inclusion and the concept of “woman.” Third, and finally, I explore how this insight could guide feminist action (...)
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  10. Filial Morality.Christina Hoff Sommers - 1986 - Journal of Philosophy 83 (8):439.
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  11. Rethinking Abortion, Ectogenesis, and Fetal Death.Christine Overall - 2015 - Journal of Social Philosophy 46 (1):126-140.
  12. Locke and the Nature of Political Authority.Shannon Hoff - 2015 - Review of Politics 77 (1):1-22.
    This paper aims to illuminate the ongoing significance of Locke’s political philosophy. It argues that the legitimacy of political authority lies, for Locke, in the extent to which it collaborates with individuals so as to allow them to be themselves more effectively, and in its answerability in principle to the consent such individuals should thereby give it. The first section discusses how the free will inevitably asserts its authority; the second shows the inevitability of the will’s incorporation of authority as (...)
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  13. (2 other versions)Miracles as evidence against the existence of God.Christine Overall - 1985 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 23 (3):347-353.
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  14. In defense of causal eliminativism.Alice van’T. Hoff - 2022 - Synthese 200 (5):1-22.
    Causal eliminativists maintain that all causal talk is false. The prospects for such a view seem to be stymied by an indispensability argument, charging that any agent must distinguish between effective and ineffective strategies, and that such a distinction must commit that agent to causal notions. However, this argument has been under-explored. The contributions of this paper are twofold: first, I provide a thorough explication of the indispensability argument and the various ways it might be defended. Second, I point to (...)
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  15. Über den Schmerz.Ferdinand Hoff - 1972 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 53:363-375.
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    Between Uncertainty and Certainty.Lena Hoff & Göran Hermerén - 2011 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 22 (2):139-150.
    In this study, 10 hematologists and 10 lung oncologists were interviewed regarding the information they provide to patients in four situations of uncertainty: determining the treatment that is in the patient’s best interest; recurrence or progression of the patient’s disease; determining when to withdraw life-prolonging treatment; discussing death, addressing questions such as whether the patient will die from the disease, and when. The primary finding is that delivery of information to patients with low survival rates can be improved by more (...)
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    2.4. Die ehemals sozialistischen Länder in Europa.Jan Hoff - 2009 - In Marx Global: Zur Entwicklung des Internationalen Marx-Diskurses Seit 1965. Akademie Verlag. pp. 125-143.
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    Law, Right, and Forgiveness: The Remains of Antigone in the Phenomenology of Spirit.Shannon Hoff - 2006 - Philosophy Today 50 (Supplement):31-38.
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    Meditation in solitude.Ursula Hoff - 1938 - Journal of the Warburg Institute 1 (4):292-294.
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    Methoden zur Erfassung von Kontrollbewusstsein.Ernst-Hartmut Hoff - 1992 - Berlin: Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung. Edited by Hans-Uwe Hohner.
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    On law, transgression, and forgiveness: Hegel and the politics of liberalism.Shannon Hoff - 2011 - Philosophical Forum 42 (2):187-210.
  22.  62
    Preface.Shannon Hoff - 2003 - Studies in Practical Philosophy 3 (2):1-3.
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    Law, Love, and Life: Forgiveness and the Transformation of Politics.Shannon Hoff - 2010 - Philosophy Today 54 (Supplement):163-168.
  24.  32
    The Laws of the Spirit: A Hegelian Theory of Justice.Shannon Hoff - 2014 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    _An account of Hegel's political insights and their contemporary relevance._.
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    Aktueel filosoferen: Nederlands-Vlaamse Filosofiedag Delft 1993.Wim van Dooren & T. Hoff (eds.) - 1993 - Delft: Eburon.
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    Evaluating the prospects for university-based ethical governance in artificial intelligence and data-driven innovation.Christine Hine - 2021 - Research Ethics 17 (4):464-479.
    There has been considerable debate around the ethical issues raised by data-driven technologies such as artificial intelligence. Ethical principles for the field have focused on the need to ensure...
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  27.  17
    Feminist Perspectives: Philosophical Essays on Method and Morals.Christine Overall, Sheila Mullett & Lorraine Code (eds.) - 1988 - University of Toronto Press.
  28.  21
    Another Cautionary Lesson from COVID Research.Christine Grady - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (12):36-39.
    Lynch and colleagues describe positive and cautionary lessons learned from recent extraordinary research efforts to develop COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics and consider whether some of th...
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    Miracles and God: A Reply to Robert A. H. Larmer.Christine Overall - 1997 - Dialogue 36 (4):741.
    RésuméJ'ai soutenu dans un article de 1985 que s'il y avait des miracles, cela parlerait contre l'existence du Dieu judéo-chrétien. Dans son livre de 1988 sur le concept de miracle, Robert Larmer propose une critique de mes arguments. J'évalue ici la force de cette critique. Je montre que la redéfinition de «miracle» que propose Larmer est circulaire; que sa distinction est spécieuse entre violer une hi naturelle et la surmonter grâce à la création ou la destruction d'énergie par Dieu; et (...)
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    Replies.Christine Tappolet - 2018 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 97 (2):525-537.
  31.  78
    The Glass Escalator, Revisited: Gender Inequality in Neoliberal Times, SWS Feminist Lecturer.Christine L. Williams - 2013 - Gender and Society 27 (5):609-629.
    When women work in male-dominated professions, they encounter a “glass ceiling” that prevents their ascension into the top jobs. Twenty years ago, I introduced the concept of the “glass escalator,” my term for the advantages that men receive in the so-called women’s professions, including the assumption that they are better suited than women for leadership positions. In this article, I revisit my original analysis and identify two major limitations of the concept: it fails to adequately address intersectionality; in particular, it (...)
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  32. Reproductive ‘Surrogacy’ and Parental Licensing.Christine Overall - 2014 - Bioethics 29 (5):353-361.
    A serious moral weakness of reproductive ‘surrogacy’ is that it can be harmful to the children who are created. This article presents a proposal for mitigating this weakness. Currently, the practice of commercial ‘surrogacy’ operates only in the interests of the adults involved , not in the interests of the child who is created. Whether ‘surrogacy’ is seen as the purchase of a baby, the purchase of parental rights, or the purchase of reproductive labor, all three views share the same (...)
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  33. Miracles and Larmer.Christine Overall - 2003 - Dialogue 42 (1):123-136.
    As this article is published, Robert Larmer and I have been engaged in a debate that is now eighteen years long, often with gaps of many years between ripostes, about the nature and significance of miracles. The Larmer/overall oeuvre now includes six works, including the two published here. I am grateful to the editors of Dialogue for giving me the opportunity to respond to Larmer’s most recent entry in the debate.
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    Design Bioethics, Not Only as a Research Tool but Also a Pedagogical Tool.Christine Clavien, Samia Hurst, Mathieu Nendaz, Marie-Claude Audétat & Julia Sader - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (6):69-71.
    As highlighted by Pavarini et al., researchers in the field of bioethics have to remain critical and reflexive on the methodology and on the tools they use for their research purpose because...
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    Feedback Relevance Spaces: Interactional Constraints on Processing Contexts in Dynamic Syntax.Christine Howes & Arash Eshghi - 2021 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 30 (2):331-362.
    Feedback such as backchannels and clarification requests often occurs subsententially, demonstrating the incremental nature of grounding in dialogue. However, although such feedback can occur at any point within an utterance, it typically does not do so, tending to occur at Feedback Relevance Spaces. We present a corpus study of acknowledgements and clarification requests in British English, and describe how our low-level, semantic processing model in Dynamic Syntax accounts for this feedback. The model trivially accounts for the 85% of cases where (...)
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    The sequential cuing effect in speech production.Christine A. Sevald & Gary S. Dell - 1994 - Cognition 53 (2):91-127.
  37.  28
    Übergänge ohne Brücken: Kants Erhabenes zwischen Kritik und Metaphysik.Christine Pries - 1995 - De Gruyter Akademie Forschung.
    In einer präzisen Rekonstruktion des Kantischen Begriffs des Erhabenen wird gegen das metaphysische Verständnis der Tradition eine kritische Lesart des Erhabenen geltend gemacht, die jedem Aktualisierungsversuch heute zugrundeliegen muss und gleichzeitig das Kantische System neu beleuchtet.
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    Eene stem uit mooi-rivier: Aan de Leden der Nederduitsch-Gereformeerde Kerk in de Hollandschafrikaansche Republiek.D. Van der Hoff, F. G. Wolmarans, H. S. Pretorius, G. C. Snyman, Ph Snyman, P. J. Liebenberg, J. J. Van Wyngaard, C. A. Bothma & P. J. Gildenhuys - 1963 - HTS Theological Studies 18 (4).
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    Egg-Forms and Measure-Bodies: Different Mathematical Practices in the Early History of the Modern Theory of Convexity.Tinne Hoff Kjeldsen - 2009 - Science in Context 22 (1):85-113.
    ArgumentTwo simultaneous episodes in late nineteenth-century mathematical research, one by Karl Hermann Brunn and another by Hermann Minkowski, have been described as the origin of the theory of convex bodies. This article aims to understand and explain how and why the concept of such bodies emerged in these two trajectories of mathematical research; and why Minkowski's – and not Brunn's – strand of thought led to the development of a theory of convexity. Concrete pieces of Brunn's and Minkowski's mathematical work (...)
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    “Brains before ‘beauty’?” High achieving girls, school and gender identities.Christine Skelton, Becky Francis & Barbara Read - 2010 - Educational Studies 36 (2):185-194.
    In recent years educational policy on gender and achievement has concentrated on boys' underachievement, frequently comparing it with the academic success of girls. This has encouraged a perception of girls as the ?winners? of the educational stakes and assumes that they no longer experience the kinds of gender inequalities identified in earlier studies. However, trying to balance academic achievement with being seen as a ?proper girl? presents girls with difficult challenges, particularly in terms of being accepted and approved of by (...)
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    Displaying the invisible: Volkskrankheiten on exhibition in Imperial Germany.Christine Brecht & Sybilla Nikolow - 2000 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 31 (4):511-530.
  42. Miracles, Evidence, Evil, and God: A Twenty-Year Debate.Christine Overall - 2006 - Dialogue 45 (2):355-366.
    This paper is the latest in a debate with Robert Larmer as to whether the occurrence of a miracle would provide evidence for the existence of God or against the existence of God. Whereas Larmer’s view is categorical (miracles occur and are evidence for the existence of God), mine is hypothetical (if the events typically described as miracles were to occur -- although I do not believe they do -- they would be evidence against the existence of God). The reason (...)
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  43.  11
    Migration, Citizenship, and Democracy.Christine Chwaszcza - 2021 - Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG.
    Ökonomische und vorübergehende Migration stellen liberal-demokratische Gesellschaften vor die Herausforderung, traditionelle Ideale von Gesellschaft und demokratischer Inklusion zu überdenken. Christine Chwaszcza entwickelt einen moralischen Standpunkt für die ethische Bewertung von Fragen zu Immigration, sozialer und demokratischer Inklusion, der demokratietheoretische Überlegungen und Forderungen post-nationaler Gerechtigkeit in einer transnationalen Perspektive integriert. Das Buch wendet sich an Forscher und fortgeschrittene Studierenden der Politischen Philosophie, der Rechtsphilosophie und der Sozialwissenschaften.
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    When Personal and Professional Values Conflict: Trainee Perspectives on Tensions Between Religious Beliefs and Affirming Treatment of LGBT Clients.Christine M. Paprocki - 2014 - Ethics and Behavior 24 (4):279-292.
    At times the personal beliefs or values of graduate students in training programs for professional psychology can create complications in their providing therapy for certain patient populations. This issue has been brought to national attention recently through several prominent legal cases in which students have contested their expulsion from graduate programs due to their assertions that they were unable to treat clients in same-sex relationships because of their own religious beliefs. The goals of the current article are to review the (...)
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    The Happy Hen on Your Supermarket Shelf: What Choice Does Industrial Strength Free-Range Represent for Consumers?Christine Parker, Carly Brunswick & Jane Kotey - 2013 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 10 (2):165-186.
    This paper investigates what “free-range” eggs are available for sale in supermarkets in Australia, what “free-range” means on product labelling, and what alternative “free-range” offers to cage production. The paper concludes that most of the “free-range” eggs currently available in supermarkets do not address animal welfare, environmental sustainability, and public health concerns but, rather, seek to drive down consumer expectations of what these issues mean by balancing them against commercial interests. This suits both supermarkets and egg producers because it does (...)
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    ‘Learning’ and Learning at Euthydemus 275d–278d.Christine J. Thomas - 2019 - Australasian Philosophical Review 3 (2):191-197.
    ABSTRACT Early in Plato’s Euthydemus, sophistical arguments threaten the intelligibility of the process of learning. According to M. M. McCabe, Socrates resists the sophists’ arguments by resisting their problematic replacement model of change. The replacement model proposes that one item (e.g., an unlearned one) is simply replaced with a nonidentical item (e.g., a learned one). Socrates is said to endorse a rival metaphysics of temporally extended, teleologically structured activities. The rival model allows an enduring subject to survive ‘aspect changes’ by (...)
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  47. Why Teach Environmental Ethics? Because We Already Do.Raymond Benton Jr & Christine S. Benton - 2001 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 17:18.
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    Die Statue des sog. Philosophen Delphi im Kontext einer mehr figurigen Stiftung.Martin Flashar & Ralf von der Hoff - 1993 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 117 (1):407-433.
    Martin Flashar und Ralf von der Hoff, Die Statue des sog. Philosophen Delphi im Konlexl einer mehrfigurigen Stiftung p. 407-433 Zu den prominentesten Skulpturenfunden in Delphi zâhlt die Statue des sog. Philo sophen (Inv. 1819). Sie fand Aufnahme in die wichtigsten Handbûcher griechischer Plas- tik, obwohl weder Datierung noch Deutung oder gar ursprunglicher Aufstellungszusam- menhang geklàrt sind. Meist wird sie mit stilistischen Argumenten um 250 v. Chr. datiert, ausgelôst durch die hypothetische und falsche Zuweisung an das ebenfalls ungedeutete und (...)
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    Implication and Existence in Logic.Christine Ladd-Franlkin - 1912 - Philosophical Review 21 (6):641-665.
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    Once A Soldier, Always A Dependent.Christina Hoff Sommers - 1986 - Hastings Center Report 16 (4):15-17.
    Why are veterans entitled to special benefits, such as free medical care? Not because such a benefit is an inducement to military service, or because a soldier accepts risk. Rather, the relationship of the Army, to use one service as an example, to a soldier is like that of a parent to a child. The right to health care, even carried beyond the term of service, is an extension of this quasi‐familial relationship.
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